Friday, June 4, 2010


We made it! After an 11 ½ hour very long flight from LAX to München… our bags made it, but mom did not make her flight connections. The majority of the family (and a bus) will not arrive until Monday but a few of us decided to start early. Great, I wasn’t counting on driving but I’m up for an adventure. Besides, my brother-in-law speaks fluent German so he was the designated navigator.
It’s been a long time since I’ve driven on the AutoBahn and let’s just say I received a couple of flashing lights, a signal for me to move over, and a couple of hand gestures when I didn’t move fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. But your bags made it and that means clean underwear! Whatever else... that is important! Right now all my boys are napping (even the 4 legged one) and it is 90 degrees here.
